Rabu, 30 April 2014




Dalam hal RUTINITAS, Kebanyakkan cewek suka mengeluh atas rutinitas yang dihadapkan padanya, namun cewek masih sangat TEGAR untuk terus melakoni apapun yang dikeluhkannya. Berbeda dengan kebanyakkan cowok yang tidak banyak mengeluh, namun cepat BOSAN dan memilih untuk membolos dari rutinitas.

Dalam hal CURHAT DAN MEMINTA PENDAPAT, dalam banyak kasus, Cewek adalah tempat curhat terbaik karena merupakan pendengar setia meski bercerita panjang, hanya saja, pendapat cewek terlalu banyak berlandaskan perasaan sehingga terkadang malah memperparah kondisi. Cowok adalah tempat curhat terburuk karena ketidakinginannya mendengar cerita yang tidak ada hubungannya dengan favoritnya, namun cowok malah sering memberi pendapat yang sederhana dan tepat sasaran  karena hampir tidak memasukkan perasaan dalam tiap pendapatnya.

Dalam hal PERSAHABATAN, kebanyakkan ikatan persabatan antar cewek terlihat dengan kondisi 'menangis bersama' jika terdapat masalah besar. Sementara itu, kebanyakkan ikatan persahabatan cowok biasanya terlihat dengan 'emosi bersama' jika terdapat masalah besar.

Dalam hal MENCARI PASANGAN, cewek dan cowok punya kesamaan jika yang mereka inginkan adalah PACAR. Yaitu, sama-sama menyukai pacar yang sedikit memiliki sifat berandal dan kenakalan (ANAK BAND, ANAK GENG, ANAK CHEER, atau lainnya). Namun jika yang mereka inginkan adalah PASANGAN HIDUP, saat itu juga yang mereka inginkan adalah karakter yang punya kebaikkan dunia akhirat (USTADZ, AKHWAT, KUTU-BUKU, ILMUWAN, atau lainnya)

Dalam hal MANTAN PASANGAN, Sebagian besar cewek sangat susah untuk melupakan mantannya sesakit apapun yang dirasakannya, sehingga terkadang kegagalan hubungan akan menjadi trauma untuk tidak sembarangan mencari kekasih. Sebagian besar cowok sangat cepat untuk melupakan mantannya seindah apapun itu, sehingga tidak heran banyak cowok yang baru putus, dalam beberapa hari saja sudah punya target berikutnya.

Dalam hal SENJATA RAHASIA, Cewek punya tangisan untuk membuat kemarahan cowoknya mereda dan malah merasa bersalah telah membuat cewek menangis. sementara Cowok punya ketenangan untuk meredakan amarah cewek dan akan membuat si cewek merasa telah berlebihan. Namun, pada kenyataan dilapangan, hanya cewek yang sering menggunakan senjatanya. Sementara cowok terlalu egois untuk bisa tenang.

Dalam hal MENGENDARAI SEPEDA MOTOR, cowok sering memikirkan untuk tidak menabrak dan mencelakai orang. Sementara cewek sering memikirkan untuk tidak jatuh dan mencelakai dirinya.. UNIKNYA!! Dalam Banyak Kejadian di jalanan, cowok malah sering menabrak dan mencalakai orang, sementara cewek malah sering mencelakai dirinya dengan jatuh sendiri atau kehilangan keseimbangan.

 Dalam hal KEKUATAN PRIBADI, Cewek sering merasa dirinya merupakan pribadi yang lemah dibanding cowok, tanpa disadari bahwa suskses cowok itu sangat bergantung pada kekuatan cewek. Sementara cowok sering merasa pribadi yang kuat dibanding cewek, tanpa disadari bahwa banyak sekali pria-pria tangguh harus hancur karena cewek.

Dalam hal EKSISTENSI, Cewek akan merasa sangat feminim jika menyukai warna pink, boneka, teriak-teriak saat senang, dan terlihat rapi luar dalam, seolah-olah menunjukkan eksistensinya pada dunia bahwa Saya Adalah Cewek. Sementara cowok akan merasa sangat maskulin jika menyukai warna membara, motor gede, sedikit berantakkan luar dalam, dan berotot yang solah-olah menunjukkan eksistensinya pada dunia bahwa Saya Adalah cowok.

Dalam hal KEPEKAAN, Cewek merupakan karakter sensitif yang kuat dan memiliki insting yang tajam sehingga bisa membedakan kebohongan cowok, hanya saja, kepekaan cewek kebanyakkan untuk dirinya sendiri, dimana dia tidak ingin disakiti meskipun itu menyakiti orang. Sementara cowok merupakan karakter cuek dan berkeinginan untuk bebas sehingga sedikit sekali terbujuk dengan kepedulian cewek kepadanya sehingga tidak heran dalam dunia pacaran, cewek cepat menerima pendapat cowok, tapi cowok enggan menerima pendapat cewek.

Dalam hal
PDKT, COWOK selalu menunjukkan sifat baiknya saat PDKT dan mengkampanyekan janji-janji full keindahan dan keromantisan.. Lalu kemudian perlahan-lahan menunjukkan sisi buruknya setelah 3-4 bulan pacaran dan mulai mencoret list janji-janjinya..UNIKNYA, cewek terkadang susah lepas dari cowok seperti itu, hanya karena alasan TERLANJUR SAYANG...
Jadi pilihlah cowok yang secara jujur telah mengatakan sisi buruknya di awal.


Secret Women?
Does no one know what every woman's heart's content. Moreover, the contents of the hearts of women sometimes are difficult to guess. Sometimes want A but next could change so B. How about the secrets of the woman in the heart, here is the secret:

  1. When a woman says she was sad, but he's not shedding tears to shed, it means he was crying in his heart.
  2.  When he's not ignoring you after you hurt him, you better give him time to calm his heart before you rebuke with a sorry.
  3.  The woman is hard to find something that he hated the most about the person he affectionately (because it's a lot of women who are heartbroken when his relationship broke up in the middle of the road).
  4. If a woman who had fallen in love with a man, men will always exist in her mind though when she was with another man.
  5. When a man she loved ones thoughtful sharply into his eyes, he'll be liquid like chocolate!!
  6. The woman is indeed like a compliment but always do not know how to accept a compliment.
  7. If you do not like the girl who loves you, half-dead, defends her gently, don't be rough because there is a spirit within the woman whom you will not know if he has made a decision, he will do anything.
  8.  If a girl was shy away from you once you reject her, let him for a time.If you still want to consider him a friend, try scolds him slowly.
  9.  Women love to make wishes for what they think.Music, poetry, painting and writing is the easiest way they make wishes for their heart's content.
  10. Don't occasionally tell her about what makes them instantly feel useless.


Don't Be Afraid To Face Life

The present situation is indeed difficult. Money is hard to search for. Cost of living increases while income was fixed and in fact tend to shrink in value. Briefly widths and will probably be getting a lot of people that dark eyes justifies all means to celebrate.

Although difficult, we as humans shouldn't have to lose at life. We should not succumb to the difficulties of life. Each man had difficulty living respectively. The poor find it hard because it doesn't have the money. Already tried and worked hard but still poor. Envious of the rich are getting richer. Trying to generate a little wealth, while the poor are already matimatian Drudge still life lack.

Don't expect the rich treasures of the people have no trouble. Many rich people who have hardships due to entangled debts because they can fire disaster, because his family suddenly caught a case of corruption, because of illness, accident and there are many difficulties of life to another.

Difficulties of life it's a matter of perception, a matter of viewpoints addressing life in us. If we look at our lives are difficult, the world will be a narrowly. Makes sense so short and capabilities will be limited. Trying this, trying that. Out of a difficulty even reap the difficulties on the other hand.

Change the way of looking it up. Don't envy in others due to envy it a source of disaster and the source of the disease. If others are happy and prosperous, we can do but envy kepingin and envy. Pray that the people got blessings of pleasure and prosperity and may we get happiness with our own way and form.

Never felt poor in life. If you now live off debt owed to one another, the credit card bills from one credit card to another, do not ever desperate in an attempt to address the difficulties of life. If you now feel poor semiskin-miskinnya, this is your time to bounce, to turn around. If you already feel are on the basis of poverty because you treasure just enough (or even less) to pay existing debt, this is the time for you to rise up.

Don't feel any efforts that you've done as something useless. Experience is a treasure that never goes away. If you have ever deceived others in the business of making your business go bankrupt and you incurred the debt receivable and pursued debt collector, make that experience as an amplifier. Barriers that do not make you die is the amplifier of your vitality.

Never regretting any attempt for the success and happiness of life. Fail once it reserved. Failed many times is also not something extraordinary. Remember, it could be a failing there is how you appreciate success.

If we have the intelligence and ability, if we are confident in the ability of self, why should we fear can not foraging. Learn from wild animals, they do not know whether it can or not to lunch today but they will always try.

There are people to death in an attempt to maintain life. If that's the case, died in the State. He died in the smile because we've tried everything possible.

If the family mess, why should be spend days to regret it. A successful man of good family, maintained and secured, it is not exceptional. If you succeed, though from a family falling apart, people will see that you are indeed successful because of ability.

Eliminate the prestige the prestige if you feel prevent you from enjoying life. I am much more appreciate the vegetable basket of moms who wake up at 3 a.m. to shopping and peddling vegetables on the market, even though the results and benefits only a few thousand or a few tens of thousand dollars. Moms basket of vegetables that have the courage to live, that this life has to be fought not just disesali.

If you regret why was born as a poor man and not as cinderella, you'll be poor all and sundry. If you regret your birth because your parents are not famous people or your parents just a laborer or your parents are just a slut, you will always be trouble throughout life.

The birth is destiny and there is plans for the Almighty behind it all. It goes without regret the birth, goes without regret the situation. If your parents are only able to send until high school, it was a good effort to start your life.

If you now become a labourer or as factory laborers or working as domestic servants or become TKW, berupayalah studied and education. Better early but tired of picking the sweet end of the ultimate outcome. If you feel tired raring to go, remember, even for health and kesenanganpun people sometimes look for a sense of tired.

If the money disaku only stayed a couple of dollars, look that it be the initial wealth which would you ting


The lyrics of the Betawi, Jakarta has style – jail-jali

She's jali-jali
tasty tasty melodic riffs of the song once
tired a little bit no matter Darling
as long as the master as long as Mr happy at heart

the most delicious mango si lah
Hey dear received a high tree fruit is rarely high tree
palinglah bad the celibate dear
where to go where no m'larang go

There the mountain the mountain here
Hey dear received the Middle Middle Middle middle of Jasmine Flower
There was confused here confused dear
same same samalah samalah put hearts

jalilah jali from cikini dear
jali-jali jali jalilah cikini from up here